Sorting and Grouping
  • 02 Feb 2024
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Sorting and Grouping

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Article summary

A report will commonly include some grouped sections. Each group is given a specific data field to sort by and the groups are separated in the report. In the example below, the entries are grouped first by process area and then by reason. Group headers can contain aggregated information from subgroups and detail sections.

Open Sorting and Grouping by clicking on the Sorting and Grouping button on the Design tab of the ribbon (in the Data section).

Groups: A list of available groups for sorting.

Add: Creates a new field in the groups section.

Delete: Deletes a group.

Name: The name of the group.

Group By: The data field used to organize the report. Whenever the assigned data query returns a unique value for the selected field, then it will generate a new grouped section in the report for it.

Sort: The order that the individual groups will appear in the report.

Keep Together: The report will try to keep the group on a single page.

Header Section: Creates a header section for the group.

Footer Section: Creates a footer section for the group.

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