Site Connection Configuration
  • 01 Feb 2024
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Site Connection Configuration

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Article summary

The Site Connection Configuration window is where users configure how clients (including the dataPARC Server) connect to a PARCview site. In rough terms, a PARCview “site” corresponds to a dataPARC Configuration SQL database (“ctc_config”). As of dataPARC 7.0, most connections to SQL are handled by the primary dataPARC UA Server. Connections to the UA Server are certified by the Global Discovery Server (GDS). The shared Capstone folder will continue to contain the Displays directory.

Sites are distinct from locations in that a site is a client setting, whereas locations are system-level settings. Where they overlap in Site Connection Configuration is that a client can synchronize its settings with the database’s remote locations. In this way, only certain clients can be allowed to access remote locations.

The main aspects of a site configuration, then, are:

  • Site Name

  • Primary UA Server URI / Failover URI


  • Displays Folder Path

  • Direct DSN

  • Remote Locations

The other main purpose of Site Connection Configuration is to create and edit stored credentials for automatically signing in to dataPARC applications. This is necessary for all PARCserver Clients (PARCserver Applications like Alarm Server) in order to automatically start and sign in to the UA Server. PARCserver clients must sign in with an identity that has administrative permissions.

The account that the PARCserver services are running under and the credentials they use to sign in are only related if using Windows Integrated authentication.

Note: In version 7.1, all server clients using a site configuration will use the same stored credentials.

Site Connection Configuration also defines how site configurations are stored, either by user or machine. 


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