PARCnet Watch
  • 05 Feb 2024
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PARCnet Watch

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Article summary

PARCnet Watch is an advanced network resource & device monitoring tool. When combined with PARCview, PARCnet Watch enables network administrators to actively monitor & view historic statistics on hardware performance. PARCnet Watch monitors and transfers Performance Counter and SNMP data to Capstone’s PARChistory historian. Any counter available on a networked machine can be monitored and stored in the historian as a tag. PARCnet Watch is its own PortIO so the monitor must be left running in order to collect data.

When combined with PARCalarm Server, custom alarms can be configured to send email alerts about important network events. Use Trend to view past and present data to diagnose possible network issues.

Much of the PARCview application process data can also be tracked through the PARCenterprise Manager data source. However, PARCnet Watch is required to track data about the system as a whole such as CPU usage, network I/O traffic, disk I/O, available system memory, temperatures, and more.

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