  • 01 Feb 2024
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Article summary

A PARCgraphics display’s ribbon has these tabs: File, Display, Windows, and Help.

The ribbon also has an application button and a QAT.

Double-click a tab name to hide or show the ribbon.

File Tab

Print: Open prompt to print PARCgraphics display.

Close: Closes the window.

Edit: Opens display in PARCgraphics Designer.

Reload: Reloads PARCgraphics display from initial state. Useful when making edits in PARCgraphics Designer to see result of changes without closing and reopening the display.

Display Tab

Previous: Return to previous graphic. Used if linked graphics displays are configured.

Next: Go back to graphic after clicking previous. Used if linked graphics displays are configured.

Play Back: Opens the Playback window. Used to view historical data in PARCgraphics displays.

Tag Browser: Opens the Tag Browser.

Tag Info: Opens the PARCgraphics Tag Value window, which shows tag properties of the UTag bound to the element underneath the cursor.

Zoom: Toggles on zoom mode. Zoom into a region of the graphic by clicking and dragging to define the zoom region.

Reset: Reset zoom to initial zoom region.

Master Process: Defines process context for use with Master Tags. Select a process area from the process picker.

Schedule: Opens the Schedule Workflow window. Used to schedule workflow execution.

Windows Tab

Window On Top: Forces window to stay in front of other windows.

Help Tab

PARCview Manual: Opens the help manual for PARCview.

Application Button

Close: Closes the window.

Quick Access Toolbar

Previous: Return to previous graphic. Used if linked graphics displays are configured.

Next: Go back to graphic after clicking previous. Used if linked graphics displays are configured.

Zoom: Toggles on zoom mode. Zoom into a region of the graphic by clicking and dragging to define the zoom region.

Reset: Reset zoom to initial zoom region.

Master Process: Defines process context for use with Master Tags. Select a process area from the process picker.


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