Parameter Grid
  • 01 Feb 2024
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Parameter Grid

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Article summary

The Parameter Grid supplies values to the report that are used in report generation. For example, a report that compiles Logbook information might require a specific Logbook area as a parameter. These parameters will can be saved by using the Save button in the Application button menu. Saving the parameters keeps the settings for the parameters and the values when the report is next opened.

Name: The name of the parameter. The name of the parameter is assigned in the report query.

Type: The data type of the parameter. The data type of the parameter is assigned in the report query.

Entry: How the user will enter the value for the parameter.

Manual: The user will manual type in the data.

Picklist: The user will chose a value from a picklist.

Picklist Query: The recommended way to create a picklist. The user will choose a value from a picklist. The picklist is populated from a query template. The available query templates are created in System Configuration.


Picklist: The source for the picklist. Sources must be configured in the Manual Parameter Editor.

Picklist Query: The query template used to populate the picklist.

Value: The value of the parameter. The value can be assigned by either a picklist or by manually typing in the box depending on the entry type.

Generate Report: Generates a report based on the current parameters.

View Bar

Print: Opens the Print window to print the report.

Copy: Copies the selected text.

Zoom: Zooms in or out of the report.

100%: Scales the report to its full size.

Page Width: Fits the report to the width of the screen.

Whole Page: Scales the report to fit one whole page on the screen.

Two Pages: Scales the report to fit two pages on the screen.

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