Location Config
  • 05 Feb 2024
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Location Config

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Article summary


Save Changes: Saves all changes made to the local and remote services.

Undo Changes: Resets all changes to the last save.

Close: Closes the window without saving.

Remote Locations: Lists the locations set up using the Add Locations button in PARCenterprise Manager.

Local Locations: Lists the locations set up in the Locations tab in the PARCview System Configuration.

Add Locations: Displays settings to configure a new remote location.

Refresh Location Application: Refresh application data for selected location.

Set Inactive in Database: Disables the selected service from showing up in PARCenterprise Manager. The purpose of this button is to remove a specific service that no longer exists. Using an inactive service will cause it to become active again.

Delete: Removes the service from the database. If the service is detected by the PARCenterprise Manager then it will be added to the list of services.

Move Location Up One: Moves a Location above one Location the Location Config window.

Move Location Down One: Moves a Location below one Location the Location Config window.

Move Location to the Top: Moves a Location to the top of the Location Config window.

Move Location to the Bottom: Moves a Location to the bottom of the Location Config window.

Location Grid

Instance: If multiple instances of server application, instance identifier.

Host Name: The name of the computer that the service is hosted from.

IP Address: The IP Address of the location.

Override Address: Allows the user to redirect the PARCenterprise Manager to view an alternate IP for the service.

ID#: The position in the location grid.

Active: Determines if a service will be listed and tracked in the main PEM screen.

Service Name: The name of the server application.

RDP: Checking the RDP column will enable RDP connections as options for the selected location. If a check box does not appear, type “1”.

VNC: Checking the VNC column will enable VNC connections as options for the selected location. If a check box does not appear, type “1”.

Remotely: Checking the Remotely column will enable Remotely Anywhere connections as options for the selected location. If a check box does not appear, type “1”.

Remotely Port: The port to use for the Remotely Anywhere connection.

Service Monitoring: Stops PARCenterprise Manager from monitoring the service status for the specific location.

DB Name: Name of site connection.

DNS: Database connection string for site connection.

Right-Click Menu

Delete: Removes the service from the database. If the service is detected by the PARCenterprise Manager then it will be added to the list of services.

Set Inactive in Database: Disables the selected service from showing up in PARCenterprise Manager. The purpose of this button is to remove a specific service that no longer exists. Using an inactive service will cause it to become active again.

Move Location to Top: Moves a service to the top row on the Location Config window and in the PARCenterprise Manager.

Move Location Up One: Moves a service to the up one row on the Location Config window and in the PARCenterprise Manager.

Move Location Down One: Moves a service to the down one row on the Location Config window and in the PARCenterprise Manager.

Move Location to Bottom: Moves a service to the bottom row on the Location Config window and in the PARCenterprise Manager.

Add Location Settings

Location Name: The name of the location.

DSN: The full path to the configuration UDL file.

Load Applications: Generates a list of Capstone programs from the server the UDL file is pointed towards.

  • Application Name: The name of the Application.

  • Instance: If multiple instances of server application, instance identifier.

  • Host Name: Host name of application server

  • IP Address: The IP Address of application server.

  • ID#: The position in the location grid.

  • Active: Application status.

  • Service Name: Name of service definition.

Allow RDP: Allows RDP connections to the remote location.

Allow VNC: Allows VNC connections to the remote location.

Allow Remotely Anywhere: Allows Remotely Anywhere connections to the remote location.

Allow Service Monitoring: Stops PARCenterprise Manager from monitoring the service status for the specific location.

Add: Adds the location to the Remote Locations grid.

Clear: Clears the Location Name field, the DSN field, and the Application Grid.

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