Time Groups
  • 01 Feb 2024
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Time Groups

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Article summary

The Time Groups tab is used to create a list of time intervals for reporting, such as a crew schedule or production day. When time periods occur is configured in the Time Periods tab.

Time Period Name

Period Code: A short code for the time period, usually an acronym. No spaces allowed.

Period Name: The name of the Time Period.

Time Period Group: A logical group of time periods such as Shift or Operations. Used in Logbook to associate entries with time periods.

Time Period Source: There are three methods of specifying how time periods can be configured.

Implicit: Implicit periods are standard time intervals like hour and day or a calendar period like Month. These do not have to be configured for a site. They are automatically available.

Database: Database periods represent time intervals local to a site that must be configured. Examples include production day (e.g. 6:00 am to 6:00 am), day shift (e.g. 6:00am to 6:00pm), night shift (e.g. 6:00pm to 6:0am) , fiscal periods (e.g. May 3 to June 1), or rotating crew schedules. These time periods are pre-defined and stored in the SQL configuration database.

Tag: Tag periods are defined by the state change of a tag. For instance a tag that represents a product being made (process product tag). Tag-based periods are not fixed time intervals. The interval is calculated as the timespan between tag value changes.

Include in Run Browser: Shows the Time Period in the Run Browser.

Sort Order: The order that the rows will be displayed in the Run Browser pick list. Lower numbers will appear before high numbers.

Time Period Groups

Group Name: The name of a time period group. Typing in the bottom row will create a new group. Group names are available for selection in the Time Period Group column.

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