Calcs Convert Importer
  • 30 Jan 2024
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Calcs Convert Importer

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Article summary

The Calcs_Convert Importer imports the data from the text files generated with Build History and writes the data to tags.

Last Cycle: The time and date when the importer was last run.

Directory to Read Files From: The file path of the directory to read history files from.

Start Importer: Starts the importer.

Get File Count: Gets the number of files in the directory.

Copy Failed File to: C:\Capstone\BackfillData\Failed: Saves a copy of any files that failed to import to the Failed folder.

Files per Cycle: The maximum number of files to read in a cycle.

Wait Between Cycles: The time to wait between cycles in seconds.

Specific Source: Checking this box allows a source to be specified for the import.

Source: The source that contains the tags in the import.

Daily Files: The history files are based on having one file per tag per day.

An example of how to create a daily source file for the importer.

By Tag Files: The history files are based on having one file per tag.

An example of how to create a Tag File for the importer.

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