Build History
  • 30 Jan 2024
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Build History

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Article summary

Right click in the output tag grid and select Create History to open the Build History window. Select which tags to backfill, a start and end time, a step size, and a file location. These backfill files must then be imported using the Calcs Convert Importer.

Calc Tag Name: The name of the calc tag. This field is read-only.

Tag Description: The description of the calc tag. This field is read-only.

Date Range: The date range of values to save for the history file.

  • Now: Uses the current time as the End Date & Time in the date range.

Write Files to: The folder to save the history file.

Step: The step size in seconds to normalize the historical values.

Allow Write to Past: If checked, data will be directly written to history. If unchecked, a data file will be generated that must be imported with the Calcs Convert Importer.

Estimated Time to Complete: An estimate of the time expected to create the history file.

Choose Tags to Get Data for: A list of calc tags to get data for.

  • All Tags: Selects all calc tags in the list.

Choose Tags to Backfill: A list of input tags to backfill.

  • All Tags: Selects all input tags from the list.

Calc History: Writes a history file to the Write Files to address.

Cancel: Stops the creation of the history file.

Open Importer: Opens the Calcs Convert Importer.

Close: Closes the window.

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