X Axis
  • 02 Feb 2024
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X Axis

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Article summary

Contains options to configure the X-Axis of the trend.

X Axis Mode: The X-Axis Mode drop down menu configures what variable is plotted on the X-Axis.

Time: Graphs time vs trend data

Maturity Time: Time since the beginning of the current period.

Maturity Tag Value: The value of the tag configured as the maturity tag for the process.

Normalization: The Normalization drop down menu configures how the maturity variable is normalized for batch comparison.

None: This will plot the batch data vs. the maturity tag value.

Mean: This will normalize the maturity variables to average (mean) value of all the final maturity values.

Median: This will normalize the maturity variables to the median value of all the final maturity values.

Max: This will normalize to the maximum maturity value of all the batches.

Min: This will normalize to the minimum maturity value of all the batches.

User Defined: This will normalize to a maturity value set by the user in the User Max box.

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