UA Server Summary and Overview
  • 05 Oct 2023
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UA Server Summary and Overview

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Article summary

This information is specific to the latest release of PARCview:


OPC UA Server is a data engine that gathers information and passes that data between the various dataPARC components. This is a primary component of PARCView 7.x required for all functionalities.

The Open Platform Communication Unified Architecture (OPC UA) server is the successor to the Open Platform Communication Data Access (OPC DA) server. The OPC UA technology does not rely on DCOM communication and is OS independent.

PARCSecurity Permissions

The UA Server Application generally runs on the PARCview App server and is not restricted by the PARCSecurity Console Permissions.


The UA Sever is configured in the Site Connection Configuration. When defining a Site you must provide the Server Name and Port # the UA server will be using. The port is customizable. The default port # is 51235.

If you configure multiple UA Servers they must each run through their own port.

If you are going across domains, you will need the fully quantified server name.

Remote UA Servers can also be indicated in the System Configuration > Location Tab. Allowing users to access data from access separate sites with separate UA severs.

UA Server URI: opc.tcp://[ServerName]:51235/Capstone/UAServer

Example: opc.tcp://serv_parcvw1:51235/Capstone/UAServer

Log Files

PARCMessage is a build in error monitoring software. It creates an ongoing log of errors generated from PARCView on the specific computer where PARCMessage is running.

Errors can also be stored in the PARCView install directory both on the server and clients ...\Capstone\PARCView\LogFiles

Required Server Applications

GDS: All PARCview version 7 functionality requires a Global Discovery Server (GDS).

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