UA Server Pooling
  • 05 Oct 2023
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UA Server Pooling

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Article summary

To set up UA server pooling, first, you will want to set up the pooled servers in FireDaemon. This does not need to have any port spacing for the client connections like we previously needed for the HDA console in 5.x. (Example: port 51235 is the primary, 51236 can be the next port used in the pool)

/Port:<PortNumber> will need to be added to the parameters in FireDaemon and the target exe can be the same as the primary.


Once you have the pool set up in FireDaemon, next, you will need to configure a UASiteConfiguration.XML to deploy to the clients.

While you have your Primary site selected in the Site Connection Configuration, you can press the Add button in the Failover/Pool Sites to add another failover or pool UA server.

In later versions of PARCview 7.x, you can type directly into the lines below the filter bar to add a new Failover/Pool Site to the Site Connection Configuration.

Add the new UA server with the same displays and DSN configuration as the primary. Configure the Connection Mode to Failover and Pool.

Lastly, you will need to deploy this UASiteConfiguration.XML to the clients using the Updates path.

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