Tag Search and Replace Summary and Overview
  • 05 Oct 2023
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Tag Search and Replace Summary and Overview

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Article summary

This information is specific to the latest release of PARCview:


Tag Search and Replace finds which displays and scripts use a tag, and can replace the tag with another tag in every display and script it is used in. This is most often used when a tag name or source name has been changed. It is also useful to see where and how a tag gets used. This tool does not work with Alarm tags or tags used in limits. Tag Search and Replace has a hardcoded limit of 10K tags.

Tag Replace is a very powerful utility and backups of the PARCview displays directory and the CTC configuration database should be performed before running Tag Search and Replace. Once you have made this replacement there is no easy way to undo the change.

PARCSecurity Permissions

PARCsecurity Consolehas a permission setting for access Tag Search and Replace.

  • Tag Replace: Enables user to Open Tag Replace
  • Read Data Series Tag List: Allows user to read tags in the Tag Browser from a data series

These additional rights are not required but can affect your ability to view tags.

  • Permissions > Application > Tags (default option is PARCview): This will show a list of tags the specific provider and identity has access to. If the Identity (user or AD group) does not have access to view the tag, they will not be able to use it in Tag Search and Replace.


Tag Select:

  • Tag Select: Brings up the tag browser.
  • Import from Excel: Import a list of tags from Excel.

Search & Replace:

  • Search For Tag/s: Searches for tags once tags have been added.
  • Replace Tag/s: Replaces Original Tag with Replacement Tag once both fields are filled in. The replacement tag must actually exist in the source; Tag Search and Replace does not create new OPC tag definitions.
  • Rename MDE: If checked, the replace function will rename the original tag to the new tag’s name in the database, and it will also replace the tag in scripts and displays. The original tag needs to exist, but the replacement tag does not. This option will only operate on tags that from an MDE-type data source.
  • Rename Calc: If checked, the replace function will rename the original tag to the new tag’s name in the database, and it will also replace the tag in scripts and displays. The original tag needs to exist, but the replacement tag does not. This option will only operate on tags from a CALC-type source.
  • Allow Duplicates: If checked, the Allow Duplicates option allows an Original tTag to be replaced by the same tag in the Replacement Tag column. This option allows users to replace the description, units, min, and max without changing the tag name. If not selected, Replace Description, Replace Units, Replace Min, and Replace Max cannot be used without changing the name of the Tag.

Process Tag Replacement:

  • Disabled: This option is checked by default. In this mode Tag Search and Replace uses its original behavior.
  • Wild Card Only: This option replaces the old Rename Tag on ID Wild Card option. This mode uses the original behavior plus the rename on wild card option.
  • Full Tag: This option should be used when looking to replace a fully specified UTAG with tag validation turned off: Location.Source.Tag1 > Location.Source.Tag2.

Do Not Change:

  • Min: If this box is checked, Min values will not be replaced with default values. This box will be automatically uncheck if the user manually enters a value in for any tag.
  • Max: If this box is checked, Max values will not be replaced with default values. This box will be automatically uncheck if the user manually enters a value in for any tag.
  • Units: If this box is checked, Units values will not be replaced with default values. This box will be automatically uncheck if the user manually enters a value in for any tag.
  • Description: If this box is checked, Description values will not be replaced with default values. This box will be automatically uncheck if the user manually enters a value in for any tag.

Log Files

PARCmessage is a built-in error monitoring software. It creates an ongoing log of errors generated from PARCview on the specific computer where PARCmessage is running. Tag Search and Replace errors can be found in the PARCmessage console.

Errors can also be stored in the PARCview install directory both on the server and clients ...\Capstone\PARCView\LogFiles

Required Server Applications

UA Server: All PARCview vr 7 functionality requires a Universal Access (UA) server.

GDS: All PARCview vr 7 functionality requires a Global Discovery Server (GDS).

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