Tag Permissions
  • 29 Jan 2024
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Tag Permissions

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Article summary

Use the Tag hierarchies to set tag access permissions by location, source, and process area, and by individual tags. First select “Tags” from the Application drop-down, then choose which hierarchy to view: Source, Process, or Both. The only Permission to configure is Access Tag.

Source Hierarchy

Select locations to expand the source list. With a location or source selected, choose the Permission Action on the Properties panel.

Take No Action: No permission set at this level. Permission can still be allowed or denied through inheritance. If no permission is set at any level, user is denied access.

Allow With Inheritance: Allow access to all tags in the location or source. If set on a location, all sources in the location inherit the setting.

Deny With Inheritance: Deny access to all tags in the location or source. If set on a location, all sources in the location inherit the setting.

When a source is selected, permissions can be set on individual tags in the source. Select a tag from the list (use the top filter row if needed), then choose the Permission Action on the Properties panel.

Take No Action: No permission set at this level. Permission can still be allowed or denied through inheritance. If no permission is set at any level, user is denied access.

Allow: Allow access to the tag.

Deny: Deny access to the tag. If an identity is denied permission at any level, explicit or inherited, the user is denied access.

The green lock icon means the permission has been allowed explicitly for this identity, while no lock icon means the permission is inherited. See the identity explorer to view group permissions.

Process Hierarchy

Select process areas to expand the process tree. With a process area selected, choose the Permission Action on the Properties panel.

Take No Action: No permission set at this level. Permission can still be allowed or denied through inheritance. If no permission is set at any level, user is denied access.

Allow With Inheritance: Allow access to all tags in the process area. Sub-processes inherit the setting.

Deny With Inheritance: Deny access to all tags in the process area. Sub-processes inherit the setting.

When a process area is selected, permissions can be set on individual tags in the process area. Select a tag from the list (use the top filter row if needed), then choose the Permission Action on the Properties panel.

Take No Action: No permission set at this level. Permission can still be allowed or denied through inheritance. If no permission is set at any level, user is denied access.

Allow: Allow access to the tag.

Deny: Deny access to the tag. If an identity is denied permission at any level, explicit or inherited, the user is denied access.

The green lock icon means the permission has been allowed explicitly for this identity, while no lock icon means the permission is inherited. See the identity explorer to view group permissions.

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