Tag Browser Configuration
  • 01 Feb 2024
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Tag Browser Configuration

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Article summary

The Tag Browser Configuration tab contains options that affect the appearance and behavior of Tag Browser.

Selected Tab

The Select Tab section controls which tab will be selected when opening Tag Browser.

Master: Open with Master tab selected.

Source: Open with Source tab selected.

Recent: Open with Recent tab selected.

Equipment: Open with Equipment tab selected.

Excel Document Layout

The Excel Document Layout section controls the expected format of the Excel File used when creating an Excel source from Tag Browser.

Tag Name Row: Number of row that contains the tag names.

Tag Description Row: Number of row that contains the tag descriptions.

Tag Minimum Row: Number of row that contains the tag plot minimums.

Tag Maximum Row: Number of row that contains the tag plot maximums.

Tag Units Row: Number of row that contains the tag units.

Data First Row: Number of row that contains the first row of data.

Data Last Row: Number of row that contains the last row of data.

Filter Column: Letter of filter column.

Tag First Column: Letter of first tag column.

Tag Last Column: Letter of last tag column.

Data Time Column: Letter of data time column.

Master Tab

The Master Tab section controls default values for Tag Browser options.

Show Column Filters: Whether to use individual column filters or a single filter for all columns.

Advanced Filtering: Whether to filter while typing or after pressing enter.

Default Location: Default PARCview location.

Source Tab

The Source Tab section controls default values for Tag Browser options.

Show Column Filters: Whether to use individual column filters or a single filter for all columns.

Advanced Filtering: Whether to filter while typing or after pressing enter.

Default Location: Default PARCview location.

Default Source: Default data source.

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