Step 2. Modify PARCDisplayServiceServer.exe.config File
  • 31 Jan 2024
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Step 2. Modify PARCDisplayServiceServer.exe.config File

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Article summary

Initially, the PARCdisplay Server configuration file must be renamed from  “PARCDisplayServiceServer.exe.SAMPLE.config” to “PARCDisplayServiceServer.exe.config”.

There are two settings in the PARCDisplayServiceServer.exe.config File which need to modified: the “baseAddress” and the “RootPath” values.

The baseAddress value requires the IP address or host name of the server where the service is running and the port number to use. By default it is set to “localhost:2012”. Replace localhost with the IP address or host name and select a different port number if needed.




<add baseAddress="http://vhv-server56:2011/"/>


The port can be set to any available port. If there is a firewall in between the client and the server, rules for the TCP Port will need to be defined.

The RootPath value is set to the directory where the dataPARC Displays folder is located. The computer running the service and the service logon account should be able to access this path. It can be a UNC path or local path.



<add key="RootPath" value="C:\Capstone\Displays"/>

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