Source Overrides
  • 01 Feb 2024
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Source Overrides

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Article summary

The Source Overrides tab is used to configure a PARCview client to connect to a data source differently than the default system setting.

Location: Location name of source to override.

Source: Source name that is being configured with an override address.

Connection Type: Defines how clients will connect to a data source.

                Remote UA Server: Connect to source using a remote instance of UA Server specified in UA Server URI field. If field is blank, uses site’s primary UA Server.

                Direct Connection: Connect to source directly using local PARCview client. Clients must be able to connect individually to the data source.

                HDA Server: Connect to source using OPC HDA Server.

Execution Environment: Environment in which to execute data connection: inside or outside host process.

                In-Process: Execute inside the host process. Host is determined by connection type: UA Server or PARCview client.

                Out of Process: Launch a separate executable outside of host process.

Out of Process on Mismatch: If a source is configured with a direct connection type, attempt to execute in-process unless source connection platform does not match PARCview’s architecture. The most typical case would be attempting to connect to a data source using 32-bit dll’s or drivers from a 64-bit PARCview client.

Out Of Process Exe Platform: If either out of process execution environment is used, which platform type to use.

                Operating System Platform: Use local OS system type platform.

                32 Bit: Force using a 32 bit out of process executable.

                64 Bit: Force using a 64 bit out of process executable.

UA Server URI: Address of Remote UA Server. If blank, uses site’s primary UA Server.

Active: Whether source override is enabled.

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