Service Grid
  • 31 Jan 2024
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Service Grid

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Article summary

The Service Grid is populated by a list of services from the Site that PARCview is pointed toward.

IP Address: The IP Address

Host Name: The name of the host computer.

Last Heart Beat: The last time that the service pinged the PARCenterprise Manager.

Started: The time that the service started.

Service Status:

  • Started: The service is currently running.

  • Stopped: The service is currently not running.

  • Not Found: The server does not exist or is not registered on the network. This status will not appear until all connection info is checked (Override Address / Primary IP / Host Name).

  • Chk Primary IP: PEM is currently checking though connection information. If the server isn’t found, then the status will move to “Access Error” or “Not Found”.

  • Access Error: The service’s IP exists on the network but PEM is not receiving a response from the service’s host computer. This status might show up if the network adapter is not connected or is physically disconnected.

  • Access Denied: The account credentials of the current user logged on the machine running PEM does not have enough access to view/modify the service on the service’s host computer.

CPU: Diagnostic information.

Handles: Diagnostic information.

Private MB: Diagnostic information.

Threads: Diagnostic information.

Exe Date: Build date of executable.

Version: The version number of the service.

The following column are not enabled by default. To enable these columns right-click in the Service Grid and toggle Columns.

  • Error Message

  • Last Error

  • Service Name

  • Pool Nonpaged KB

  • Page File MB

  • Pool Paged KB

  • Page File MB Peak

  • Virtual MB Peak

  • Working Set MB Peak

  • Virtual MB

  • Working Set MB

Right-Click Menu

Start: Starts the selected service.

Stop: Stops the selected service.

Restart: Stops and starts the service.

RDP to Location: Opens an RDP connection to the location of the service.

VNC to Location: Opens a VNC connection to the location of the service.

Remotely Anywhere to Location: Opens a Remotely Anywhere connection to the location of the service.

Refresh Heart Beat: Rechecks the Service Status of all services.

Reload Grid: Reloads the list of services.

Edit Location System Config: Opens the PARCview System Configuration for the selected location.

Configure Locations: Opens the Location Config window.

Configure: Opens the Enterprise Manager Config window.

Columns: Toggles columns in the Database Grid.

Application Tags

Tag: The name of the application tag.

Last Value: The last value of the application tag.

Units: The units of the application tag.

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