Schedule Build History
  • 30 Jan 2024
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Schedule Build History

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Article summary

Build History is used to backfill calculated tags. This is useful to populate the history of a new tag or to recover data missed during an outage. Schedule Build History performs this task at a specified time.

Start Date & Time: The date and time to start the backfill.

End Date & Time: The date and time to end the backfill.

Now: Use the current time as the End Date & Time.

Allow Write to Past: If checked, data will be directly written to history. If unchecked, a data file will be generated that must be imported with the Calcs Convert Importer.

Write File to: The file path where the temporary history data is written.

Backfill Grid

Select: The box in the first column selects the group for backfill.

Group Name: The name of the group to backfill.

Instance Number: The PARCcalc Server instance that this calc group normally runs on.

Backfill Start: The start time of the last backfill.

Backfill End: The end time of the last backfill.

Select All: Selects all groups.

Build History: Builds a history from the selected groups.

Open Importer: Opens the Calcs Convert window or importing the temporary history files into history.

Cancel: Closes the window.

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