Save As Calc Tag
  • 02 Feb 2024
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Save As Calc Tag

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Article summary

Use the Save As Calc Tag window to save a copy of an existing calc tag. At least the Name field must be modified to a new unique name in the system before the calc tag can be saved. In addition, the Calc Tag Owner is automatically reset to the Everyone identity.

Save As: Saves the Calc Tag to the selected source. All required fields must have valid values and the name must be modified from its original value.

Cancel: Closes the window.

Formula: The formula call for the new Calc Tag. This field cannot be edited in this window.

Source: The source where the calc tag is saved.

Name: The name of the calc tag must be modified from its original value. If the user attempts to save a calc tag with the same name as any existing tag, a warning prompt will appear to confirm overwriting the existing tag.

Description: The description of the calc tag.

Units: The units of the calc tag.

Plot Min: The default minimum that will be used in a Trend.

Plot Max: The default maximum that will be used in a Trend.

Calc Tag Owner: This field defaults to the Everyone identity instead of whatever identity was assigned to the original calc tag. Click the button next to the field to open a window where the owner can be changed, if the current user has sufficient permissions (is the owner, has the ownership override role, or is an admin).

Interpolation Type: The default interpolation type that will be used in a Trend.

Draw Mode: The default draw mode that will be used in a Trend.

Data Type: The default data type that will be used in PARCview.

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