Rollup Tag Switch
  • 05 Feb 2024
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Rollup Tag Switch

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Article summary

A switch can be added to a UTag that will direct PARCview to retrieve PARCrollup Server data instead of data from the native source. Only tags from a .NET data source are compatible with the rollup switch. To access rollup data, add the extension "/ROLLUP("Aggregate", "Period", "Grade", "RunSourceUTag")" (case insensitive) to the end of the UTag, where "Aggregate", "Period", "Grade", and "RunSourceUTag" are replaced by a valid argument.

Example: Mill.PM1.BWT.PV/ROLLUP("AVERAGE","H","13045", "")

The Build Rollup Tag tool within the dataPARC Excel Add-in can be used to add the switch to the UTag.


Aggregate defines the statistic to be returned. Possible values are:

Average: FAverage

RawAverage: FRawAverage


Delta: FDelta

Min: FMin

Max: FMax

RunStart: FRunStart

RunEnd: FRunEnd

RunTime: FUpTime

Quality: FQuality

RawStdDev: FRawStdDev

StdDev: FStdDev

StDev: FStDev

Product: FSubRunStdDev

GradeName: FGradeRunStdDev


D: Day

GRADE: Grade Run

PD: Production Day

M: Month

PM: Production Month

H: Hour

PROD: Product Run (such as a batch or reel)

Y: Year

W1: Week Starting on Monday

W2: Week Starting on Sunday

PW: Production Week

Valid period types depend on which periods are configured for rollup for a given tag’s process unit and are configured in the Process tab of System Configuration.

Additional period types can be created in the Time Groups and Time Periods tabs of System Configuration.


If set to "", all runs will be returned, otherwise only runs for the specified grade will be returned.


If set to "", the grade tag for the tag’s process unit will be used. If a process unit is configured with multiple run source tags, the RunSourceUTag can be set to one of the secondary run source tags to access those statistics.

If the RunSourceUTag is not defined, the dataseries must look up the grade tag for the tag’s process unit, and set the RunSourceUTag to the process’s grade tag or NULL if it is not defined.

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