  • 02 Feb 2024
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Article summary

Layout: A reference to the report’s Layout object.

  • Column Layout: The layout for the columns (down or across). 

  • Columns: The number of detail columns. 

  • Custom Height: The custom height for the report, in twips. 

  • Custom Width: The custom width for the report, in twips. 

  • Label Spacing X: Used by the designer to discount horizontal label spacing in the design surface. 

  • Label Spacing Y: Used by the designer to discount vertical label spacing in the design surface. 

  • Margin Bottom: The bottom margin for each page, in twips. 

  • Margin Left: The left margin for each page, in twips. 

  • Margin Right: The right margin for each page, in twips. 

  • Margin Top: Gets or sets the top margin for each page, in twips. 

  • Orientation: Gets or sets the page orientation. 

  • Page Footer: Gets or sets a value that determines on which pages the Page Footer section should be displayed. 

  • Page Header: Gets or sets a value that determines on which pages the Page Header section should be displayed.

  • Paper Size: Gets or sets the paper size for the report. 

  • Picture: Gets or sets a background picture for the report body. 

  • Picture Align: Gets or sets how the background picture is aligned. 

  • Picture Scale: Gets or sets how the background picture is aligned. 

  • Picture Show: Gets or sets where the background picture is displayed. 

  • Width: Gets or sets the width of the report's detail section, in twips.

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