Raw Data
  • 02 Feb 2024
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Raw Data

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Article summary

The raw data sheet is a preconfigured sheet used to query for an array of data for a set of tags. Unlike the normalized data sheet, the data will not come back normalized to specific timestamps, but instead the sheet will display every timestamp and value written to each tag between the specified start and end dates. To insert a raw data sheet, select the Raw Data button from the DataPARC toolbar.

To retrieve data:

  1. Drag tags one-by-one from the tag browser to cells B1, D1, F1, H1, J1, etc.

  2. Set Start time and End time

  3. Click the Get Data button

Tags may be entered in row 1 in every other column, starting in cell B1. The timestamps will be written one column to the left of those values. For each tag, select "YES" for Incl. Off Qual (row 14) to include data points that have bad quality. Bad-quality data will be displayed in red. Rows 9 through 13 calculate statistics for the tag’s values, as with the Data Normalize Sheet. If Incl. Off Qual (row 14) is set to “YES”, bad-quality values will be included in statistics unless they are filtered through filter min and filter max. As with the data normalize sheet, use rows 6 and 7 to define a filter for that column of values. Use the Get Data or Filter to filter the values. To get additional columns of data, just copy the time and data columns and paste to the right.

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