Profile Axis Config
  • 31 Jan 2024
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Profile Axis Config

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Article summary

Configure the CD/MD Charts and the Profile Axis.

Show CD/MD: Shows the CD (cross direction) and MD (machine direction) trends. These show trends of the average value at each position and scan time, respectively.

CD Auto Scale: Whether to autoscale the value range of the CD chart.

MD Auto Scale: Whether to autoscale the value range of the MD chart.

CD Chart Type: Whether to show the CD chart as a bar chart or trend line.

MD Chart Type: Whether to show the CD chart as a bar chart or trend line.

MD Size Percentage: Size of the MD Chart as a percentage of the available horizontal space.

CD Size Percentage: Size of the CD Chart as a percentage of the available vertical space.

Show Profile Axis: Toggles a profile axis that shows the position values.

Y-Axis Min/ Max Scaling: If enabled, manually specify the min and max of the profile axis.

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