PortIO Status Statistics
  • 31 Jan 2024
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PortIO Status Statistics

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Article summary

This area holds the most current PARCenterprise management status of this PortIO.

MsgCnt: Number of messages written to the screen in the last minute.

ExcepCnt: Number of exceptions written to history in the last minute.

%Good: Percentage of added tags with good quality in the last minute.

ConnCnt: Number of times the PortIO has connected to the OPC in the last minute.

SecLstUp: Seconds since last update.

SecDay: Seconds from day start.

%Up1min: Percent updated in the last minute from OPCDA.

%Up5min: Percent updated in the last five minutes from OPCDA.

%Up10min: Percent updated in the last ten minutes from OPCDA.

%Up15min: Percent updated in the last fifteen minutes from OPCDA.

ExcepFilSz: Size, in bytes, of the last exception file written out.

CycleTime: Time in seconds to do one cycle in PortIO.

BadQualIgn: Number of bad quality points ignored.

TotalOPCUpdates: Number of updates from OPCDA server for the last minute.

TotalGoodTagCount: Number of good tags connected to the OPCDA server

TotalBadTagCount: Number of bad tags unable to connect to OPCDA server

OPCInitTime: Time, in seconds, it took to initialize connection with OCPDA server for any connections over the last minute.

OPCUpdatesHeartBeatSec: Number of OPC Updates received over approximately the last second.

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