PI AF Integration into dataPARC
  • 05 Oct 2023
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PI AF Integration into dataPARC

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Article summary

PARCview Requirement:

PIAF integration is available in PARCview version and above. A different early access version was available in 7.0+

Source Configuration:

PI Server and Database fields are required.

Hierarchy Path is optional and defines a specific part of the tree to view in PARCview. Leave it blank to load in the whole tree.

Element Client Filtering checkbox defines whether tag browser should load all the elements to the client to allow full searching capability. For large tag lists, this should be left unchecked for best performance.

Connection Type should be set to Direct Connection if all clients viewing PIAF data in PARCview will also have the PIAF SDK installed. Connection type can be set to Remote UA Server if the dataPARC server has the PI AF SDK installed. The clients are then routed through the server to access the PIAF data.


PI AF Integration.MP4

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