PEM History Retention Period - Modify from Default
  • 05 Oct 2023
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PEM History Retention Period - Modify from Default

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Article summary

PARCEnterpriseManager (PEM) tags are system health tags that allow you track information about dataPARC services, such as the amount of CPU and memory they are using, the number of good tags a PARCIO interface has registered, etc. and trend them like any other tag. This data is cleaned up automatically by the PARCEnterpriseManager service.

By default, it will delete any PEM tag data older than 60 days. To adjust this, you must either update or insert the following configuration value (historyStoreDays) into the ctc_enterprise_config table in the database. There is no user interface for this, it must be done with a direct SQL insert/update.

The following example extends the history retention to 365 days:

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