PARCtag Sync Summary and Overview
  • 05 Oct 2023
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PARCtag Sync Summary and Overview

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Article summary

This information is specific to the latest release of PARCview:


The PARCtag Sync Server Application is used to synchronize tag information from various data sources with the PARCview configuration database. These data sources may include SQL Template-based sources, other historians such as PI or IP21, or Excel.

PARCSecurity Permissions

The PARCTag Sync Server Application runs exclusively on the PARCview App server and is not restricted by the PARCSecurity Console Permissions.


PARCTag Sync is configured in the PARCTag Sync Server application graphic interface.

From the PARCTag Sync application you can select to configure what tags are synced based on Source, how often PARCTag Sync updates the tags and based on what changes a tag is updated.

To configure new sources or edit existing ones, click Configuration on the PARCTag Sync Home ribbon bar.

This will open the Configure Sources window. Sources that are already enabled for synchronization will appear at the top of the list, and sources that are not enabled will be at the bottom. Multiple sources can be configured at the same time if the desired settings are identical. Select multiple sources by holding the Ctrl or Shift key and clicking on the row for each source to edit, then click Configure Selected Sources in the Home ribbon bar.

Log Files

PARCmessage is a built-in error monitoring software. It creates an ongoing log of errors generated from PARCview on the specific computer where PARCmessage is running.

PARCTag Sync specific errors will be stored on the server in the PARCtag Sync install path ...\Capstone\PARCTagSync\LogFiles

Errors can also be stored in the PARCview install directory both on the server and clients ...\Capstone\PARCView\LogFiles

Required Server Applications

PARCTag Sync: The server application syncs tags based on the configuration defined in the Application Configuration menu.

UA Server: All PARCview version 7 functionality requires a Universal Access (UA) server.

GDS: All PARCview version 7 functionality requires a Global Discovery Server (GDS).

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