PARCIO File Copy Client Configuration
  • 31 Jan 2024
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PARCIO File Copy Client Configuration

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Article summary

The configuration file is located in the PARCIO File Copy subfolder of the Capstone folder. To change the settings of PARCIO File Copy Client open the file, PARCIOFileCopyClient.exe.config in a text editor. The file should contain the following text.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>



    <add key="serverNameOrIP" value="camdev2"/>

    <add key="serverPort" value="8015"/>

    <add key="sourceNames" value="PM1Mx;Pulp;Mechpulp;PulpDV;Paper;PM2Mx;PM3Mx;PM1MxPrf;PM2MxPrf;PM3MxPrf;CTCCalcs;PowerMeters;PM4Mx;PM5Mx;PM6Mx;PM7Mx;PM8Mx;PM9Mx;PM10Mx;PM11Mx;PM12Mx;"/>

    <add key="sourceFolder" value="C:\capstone\PORTIO\Data"/>

    <add key="destFolder" value="C:\capstone\PORTIO\Data"/>

    <add key="destSnapFolder" value=""/>

    <add key="SnapBufferInterval" value="1000"/>

    <add key="SnapInterval" value=""/>

    <add key="Instance" value=""/>

    <!-- The PARCaggregate server replaces the PortIO hourly/daily average functionality that's defined in the settings below. These settings only apply if PortIO is still being used to calculate those average files -->

    <add key="HourlyDailyInterval" value="30000"/>

    <add key="avgSource" value="C:\capstone\PortIO\Data"/>

    <add key="avgDestPath" value="F:\Capstone\Realtime\Data"/>

    <!-- set to DAILY to update hourly files once a day after midnight. Any other value will update the hourly files when they change -->

    <add key="CopyAverageFiles" value="False"/>

    <add key="HourlyUpdateMode" value="DAILY"/>



    <supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.0"/>



To configure a setting, change the value for the setting following these rules:

serverNameOrIP: Address of the server to copy to.

serverPort: Port for connection to the server.

sourceNames: Separate list of sources with a “;”. Use “*” to copy all sources.

sourceFolder: Folder to monitor for PortIO snap and buffer files. This will normally be a local path.

destFolder: Path to historian snap and buffer files. This path should be a local path on the server. An example is D:\Capstone\PortIO\Data.

destSnapFolder: Secondary paths to write the snap file. Note that the file writes will be made by the remote server process, so it must have access to whatever paths are specified. Separate multiple paths with “;”. In most cases, this setting should be left blank.

SnapBufferInterval: Frequency in milliseconds to check for new files.

SnapInterval: Overrides SnapBufferInterval. Interval is in milliseconds just for snap files. This setting will normally be left blank.

Instance: Adds an instance for the client for a custom identifiable enterprise tag, primarily used when a server is running multiple instances of the file copy client.

HourlyDailyInterval:  Frequency in milliseconds to check for new files.

avgSource: Folder to monitor for PortIO hourly and daily files.

avgDestPath: Path to historian hourly and daily files.

CopyAverageFiles: This option should be disabled if using PARCIO. Only applicable if PARChistoryAggregate and PARChistoryAverage are not being used, and if PortIO is configured to calculate the daily/hourly average files. If PortIO is calculating the averages, this option can be used to copy the average files over to the PARChistory server so the HDA server can use them.

HourlyUpdateMode: Set to DAILY to update hourly files once a day after midnight. Any other value will update the hourly files when they change.

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