PARCHDA Health Summary and Overview
  • 05 Oct 2023
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PARCHDA Health Summary and Overview

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Article summary

This information is specific to the latest release of PARCview:


The PARChda Health Application provides an effective method for alerting people in the event of potential data loss. It monitors a set of “Watch” tags and sends email messages to a notification group when certain time-dependent conditions are met. These conditions include if a new tag value has not been written to the tag’s historian, if the tag’s value has not changed, if bad data quality is detected, or if a connection fails.

PARCSecurity Permissions

The PARCHDA Health Application runs exclusively on the PARCview App server and is not restricted by the PARCSecurity Console Permissions.


The PARCHDA Health Application interface contains configuration settings that are used to configure email alerts to the notification groups.

Additional PARCHDA Health configuration files are located in the ..\Program Files\Capstone\PARCHDA Health subfolder of the PARCserver installation. Here you can configure aspects of the PARCHDA Health logging.

Log Files

PARCmessage is a build in error monitoring software. It creates an ongoing log of errors generated from PARCview on the specific computer where PARCmessage is running.

PARCHDA Health Server specific errors will be stored on the server in the PARCHDA Health Server install path ...\Capstone\PARCHDAHealth\LogFiles

Errors can also be stored in the PARCview install directory both on the server and clients ...\Capstone\PARCView\LogFiles

Required Server Applications

UA Server: All PARCview version 7 functionality requires a Universal Access (UA) server.

GDS: All PARCview version 7 functionality requires a Global Discovery Server (GDS).

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