Ribbon Bar
  • 30 Jan 2024
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Ribbon Bar

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Article summary

If the ribbon bar is not visible, right click in the menu header and uncheck “Minimize the Ribbon”.

Alarm Server

Find Alarm: Opens a search tool to find a specific alarm or alarm type. Type the search text and click the Find button. Repeatedly clicking Find will proceed through the list of tags.

Manage Events: Opens the Manage Alarm Events window where Alarms can be redetected.

Save Logging Config: Saves the notification logging settings for all alarms so logging will continue after a server restart. The default storage location for the settings is AlarmServerLog.config in “C:\Program Files (x86)\Capstone\PARCAlarmServer”.

Reset Logging Config: Deletes logging configuration settings so that the log file only displays basic information like server startup and cycle start and end.

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