Configuration File Settings
  • 30 Jan 2024
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Configuration File Settings

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Article summary

Instance ID: The instance number of the PARCaggregate Server that is run as a service. To create multiple instances, a new PARCaggregateServer folder must be made with the new instance ID in the configuration file. The PARCaggregate.exe file from this new folder should be run in FireDaemon.

<add key="InstanceId" value="1"/>

Aggregate Delay: The number of seconds to wait after midnight before calculating the previous day's aggregates. This helps ensure that source historians have stored all of the previous day's values before they are read by the aggregate server. The default is two days (172800 seconds) to help prevent tags like prior-day averages from being missed if they have been included in the aggregate tag list. The delay can be reduced to something lower like one or two hours if tags like that are not being aggregated

<add key="AggregateDelaySeconds" value="172800"/>

Maximum Aggregate Threads: The maximum number of sources that can be aggregated concurrently. A higher number will reduce the time spent calculating aggregates, but may also impact overall system performance.

<add key="MaxAggregateThreads" value="8"/>


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