Options Bar
  • 02 Feb 2024
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Options Bar

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Article summary

Tag: A tag can be selected by dragging a tag in from the tag browser or picking a tag from the drop down list. The dropdown list is all tags that have limits already configured. Limits will be configured for the selected tag.

Process: The process area of the selected tag. This field cannot be edited. 

Type: The type of limit. Limit types can be configured in Limit Types.

Limit Source: Whether to use PARCview or another database as the source of limit values.

PARCview: Saves and allows configuration in the PARCview database.

Native: Provides the option to use limits from an external source. Please note that Native mode is only available for SQL tags. See “Native Limit Configuration” in System Configuration to configure this option.

Not Grade Based: Whether or not the limits will be grade-based. If checked, make sure the only limits are for “[No-Grade]”. This option is used for tags that have one set of limits no matter the operating conditions.

State Tag

Use State Tag: Whether to use an external tag as a source of alarm events for the selected limit type. When enabled, Trends can use this tag to calculate “state tag” alarm events in the Alarm Bar. If these events are acknowledged by users they are treated as manually created events (Created by User from Calculated). Tag Limit and Alarm Server functionality is not affected when this feature is enabled.

Tag: The UTag to use as the source of external alarms. When this tag’s value violates either the Min or the Max, the alarm state is true.

Min: The minimum value threshold.

Max: The maximum value threshold.

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