  • 02 Feb 2024
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Article summary

Colorize Hyperlinks: Indicates whether to colorize hyperlinks automatically.

Compatibility Options: Gets the CompatibilityOptions object which determines compatibility with previous versions of C1Report.

  • Ignore Invisible Fields In Grow Shrink Sections: Indicates whether invisible fields should be ignored when calculating the heights of CanGrow/CanShrink sections.

  • Old Types Conversion: Indicates whether to use the old method of type conversion in report script functions CStr, CDbl and CDate.The default is false.

  • Stretch Bar Codes As Images: Indicates whether to stretch barcodes as images.

  • Use GDI Lines In Pdf Export: Indicates whether GDI functions should be used to draw lines when rendering for output to PDF. The default value is false. Setting this property to true may result in much smaller file sizes in reports containing many dashed/dotted lines.

  • Use Text Filter Classic: Indicates whether to use the old version of text filter (TextFilterClassic).

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