MDE Script Tip: Take Variable Number of Tags Into Formula Based on Which Have Input Values
  • 05 Oct 2023
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MDE Script Tip: Take Variable Number of Tags Into Formula Based on Which Have Input Values

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Article summary

Generally, an MDE script only fires if all input tags being called with the Cell function have an input value. However you can make a script that takes a variable number of input cells into account by writing a script like this:

The results look like:

Full script text:

Dim sum As Double
Dim cnt As Double
Dim avg As Double

If Cell("Plantname.MDE.BW_R").HasValue Then
    cnt += 1
    sum += Cell("Plantname.MDE.BW_R").Value
End If

If Cell("Plantname.MDE.BW_M").HasValue Then
    cnt += 1
    sum += Cell("Plantname.MDE.BW_M").Value
End If

If Cell("Plantname.MDE.BW_L").HasValue Then
    cnt += 1
    sum += Cell("Plantname.MDE.BW_L").Value
End If

If cnt > 0 Then
    OV = sum / cnt
    OV = Nothing
End If

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