  • 05 Feb 2024
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Article summary

The Trend tab contains options for how the trend displays and loads tag data.

Trend Axis Mode:

System Default: Use system default setting.

First Tag: Show value range for first tag in the set on open, and then for whichever tag is selected in the tag grid.

All Tags: Show value range for all tags

No Legend: No Y-Axis legend.

Trend Time Span: Sets the default time span of new trends. Enter a number followed by a time key letter: S for seconds, M for minutes, H for hours, D for days. If left blank, uses the system default.

Start Time: If set, default start time for new and popup trends. If blank, uses trend default timespan to determine start time.

End Time: If set, default end time for new and popup trends. If blank, the end time is the current time.

Clear: Clear Start Time and End Time fields.

Tag Auto Scale: If enabled, sets the Auto Scale property in Trend Configuration for new tags added to a trend.

Show units in tag info grid: Whether to show the units column in the tag info grid.

Enable vertical scroll bar in tag info grid: Whether to enable tag info grid vertical scroll bar.

Number of tag rows shown in tag info grid: If vertical scroll is enabled, fixed number of rows in tag info grid.

Trend Render Engine:  There are three possibilities for which method will be used to draw a trend.

Software – High Speed: This option uses software rendering with a lower data resolution to display data. This is the default, and has the fastest computation time.

Software – High Quality: This option uses software to render in high data resolution, giving data closer to raw data. The drawback is computation time takes much longer. In general this level of accuracy is not necessary.

Hardware – DirectX:  This option relies on the computer’s hardware to render graphics. It has the advantage of High Quality and Speed.  It is only supported in Windows 7 and later versions.  It may improve performance of RDP connections for Windows 8 and later.  Older PCs may see reduced performance using this engine.

Enable thumbnail previews for all trends: Whether taskbar thumbnails will load trend data.

Max number of thumbnail preview to show for trends: Most thumbnail previews to show at once.

Smart Mouse Font Size: The font size of the text displayed when Smart Mouse shows tag values.

Process Variables: A user may want one or more tags to automatically be added to a new trend. For instance, when a tag is first added to a trend it may be desirable to add the production rate and downtime tags automatically. The selected tag’s process area will be used to select which tags to add.

Variable Name: Groups of tags can be configured in System Configuration. For instance a ProductionRate tag can be configured. In System Configuration each process area assigns a tag to its ProductionRate variable. In the Variable Name dropdown, a process variable can be selected. The Variables in this list will automatically display on new trends.

Description: The description assigned to the variable (in System Configuration) will be shown when it is selected from the drop down list.

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