Instance Configuration
  • 30 Jan 2024
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Instance Configuration

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Article summary

Configure the instance of PARCserver for the group to run on by selecting Config in the group panel.

The Instance Configuration window will open.

Instance Number: The instance that is being configured.

Server Cycle Time: The duration of a cycle in seconds.

Output Time Format: A format mask for the timestamps written to the history file.

Output Source Name: The name of the Calc source.

Output File Type:

PortIO: The standard file format that PortIO reads.

Tag;Time;Val: Contains the tag name, timestamp, and value delimited by semicolons.

PortIO (semicolon): Standard PortIO format delimited by semicolons instead of commas.

Path to write files: The location that history files will be written to.

Path to PARCcalc Config on server: The location of the PARCcalc Config folder on the computer.

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