  • 05 Feb 2024
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Article summary

The Home Ribbon contains options to manipulate and test the workflow.

The Home Ribbon is context sensitive. In Simple Edit Mode, PARCtask displays a limited version of the Home Ribbon.

Cut: This feature is not implemented in the current version of PARCview.

Copy: This feature is not implemented in the current version of PARCview.

Paste: This feature is not implemented in the current version of PARCview.

Delete: Delete the selected Designer Item from the Workflow.

Edit Overrides: This option launches a window which allows input of trigger-specific values that override the default Workflow parameter values.

Edit References: Launches the Edit References window. Here namespaces and external assemblies can be imported for use in the Script Editor. Any imported assemblies must be in either the PARCtask Server installation folder, or the Global Assembly Cache (GAC). Otherwise the workflow will not compile at runtime.

Add or Remove: Adds or removes a breakpoint to aid in debugging the workflow.

Remove All: Removes all breakpoints in the script.

Build: Builds the script and checks for errors.

Build and Debug: Builds the workflow and executes it locally, stopping at any breakpoints that have been set or errors.

Continue: Continue regular operation after being stopped by an error, breakpoint, or break all.

Break All: Pauses execution at current point.

Stop: Stops execution.

Step Into: Advances from forward from current line while debugging. Will enter into functions and proceed until exiting the function, where it begins again from the line the function was called on.

Step Over: Evaluates the current line, but does not enter functions.

Step Out: If script is in a function, will execute the function and break at the return point of the calling function.

Server Console: Launches the Remote Console window which is a view of the PARCtask Server service running on the PARCview applications server. Here the execution of workflows is logged, including any failed attempts to execute and their associated error text.

  • Server Status: Whether the server is running.

  • Server Connection: Whether the console is connected to the server.

  • Reconnect to Server: Attempts to reconnect to the server.

Tag Browser: Opens the Tag Browser.

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