Historian Data Access with Python via gRPC
  • 26 Nov 2024
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Historian Data Access with Python via gRPC

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Article summary



The dataPARC Historian provides developers the ability to interact via the gRPC protocol.  Since gRPC is language agnostic, programs written in Python, Go, Java, C, C++ and others can act as gRPC clients to access data stored in the dataPARC Historian.

Getting Started

Developers of 3rd Party gRPC clients will need the dataPARC Historian protobuf definitions, available at the GitHub link below.

dataPARC.Store accepts HTTPS requests only, HTTP is not supported. This requires that secure channels must be used, insecure channels implicitly make HTTP requests. So the client must have access to the server's certificate.

The GitHub link below also contains a starter example showing how the protobuf can be used in Python code.

Further Information:

dataPARC Historian GitHub gRPC Reference

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