• 01 Feb 2024
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Article summary

Use the Edit XAML window to hand-modify the XAML code behind a PARCgraphics display. Note that this is typically not required, and is mostly used as a troubleshooting tool or to make changes in bulk that would be tedious to perform in the designer.

Close: Close the window.

Validate: Test if the modified XAML will compile correctly.

Save: Save and apply changes to XAML.

Find: Text to search for in XAML.

Replace: Text to replace “Find” text with in XAML.

Find Next: Find next instance of “Find” text.

Find All: Find all instances of “Find” text.

Replace Next: Replace next instance of “Find” text with “Replace” text.

Replace All: Replace all instances of “Find” text with “Replace” text.

XAML code edit area: XAML code can be manually edited here.

Search Results: Lists results of Find All operation.

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