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  • 31 Jan 2024
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Article summary

Source List

A list of sources set up in PARCIO.

Source: The name of the source.

Type: The type of source.

Status: The status of the source.

PARChistory Transfer: If PARChistory is transferring information to the source.

Active Tag Count: The current amount of tags in the source.

Last Write Time: The last time data was written to the source.

Write Count: How many data points have been written out.

Exceptions 1 Min: Number of exceptions or data points written to history every minute.

Tags % Good: The percent of tags that are good.

% Change 5/10/15 Min: The percent of tags have changed in the last 5/10/15 minutes.

Right-Click Menu:

  • Copy to Clipboard: Copies all of the sources and their data to the clipboard which can then be pasted in another location.

  • Save to File: Saves all of the sources and their data to a .txt or .csv file.

Source Message List

A list of messages for any sources.

Source Name: The full name of the source.

Time: The time the source received a message.

Source: Specific source cause for error message. Used for debugging purposes.

Message: The message received about the source.

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