Display Screen
  • 30 Jan 2024
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Display Screen

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Article summary

Service: For FireDaemon Pro services - the Service prefix concatenated with the Display Name. For Windows services just the Display Name.

Description: Description of the service. May be blank for FireDaemon Pro services.

Status: Status of the service. FireDaemon Pro services are either Running or Stopped.

Process: Status of the sub-process. Blank, Running, or Scheduled. This will always be blank for Windows services.

Startup Type: Startup type of the service.

User: The name of the user the service is running as.

Memory: For built-in services this is the private working set memory utilization of the service. For FireDaemon Pro services this is the private working set memory utilization of the application FireDaemon Pro is running. If the service is not running N/a will be displayed.

PID: For built-in services, this is the process ID (PID) of the service. For FireDaemon Pro services this is the process ID of the application FireDaemon Pro is running. If the service is not running N/a will be displayed.

CPU: For built-in services, this is the amount of CPU time being used by the service. For FireDaemon Pro services, this is the amount of CPU time being used by the application FireDaemon Pro is running. If the service is not running N/a will be displayed.

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