dataPARC Security Console Summary and Overview
  • 05 Oct 2023
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dataPARC Security Console Summary and Overview

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Article summary

This information is specific to the latest release of PARCview:


The dataPARC.UA.Secuirty.Console.exe, also known as the dataPARC Security Console, provides a framework for managing user permissions throughout dataPARC applications. Users, computers, and groups are assigned to roles that determine what actions users are allowed to perform.

As of version 7.x, PARCsecurity is required to use dataPARC. With PARCsecurity, all dataPARC applications will require logins.

PARCSecurity Permissions

DataPARC Admin rights are necessary to access PARCSecurity


All PARCview Security configuration is done within the dataPARC Security Console.


The Options panel contains general connection settings.

Identity Providers

Capstone Built-in: Provided by Capstone.

Capstone PARCsecurity: Custom identity list created by users. The default PARCsecurity identity provider is named “dataPARC”. Permissions set on PARCsecurity groups can also be applied to AD users by adding AD groups to PARCsecurity groups.

Microsoft Active Directory: Identity list supplied by Active Directory.


Identities are Users, Groups, or Devices to which permissions are assigned. Use the Identities interface to create identities for PARCsecurity type providers, or to add Active Directory users and groups to the list of available PARCsecurity identities.


Users can belong to groups, and permissions can be assigned to groups, so permissions can be assigned to users through group membership. Groups can also be added to groups to create a permission hierarchy. This simplifies managing permissions by abstracting it from the user-level, which reduces the number of permissions sets and accounts for changes to the user list.

Security Profiles

A security profile is essentially a set of configured permissions. The same identity providers and identities can be used in multiple security profiles. Only one security profile can be active at a time for a site.


Use the Permissions interface to configure the actions that users are allowed to take.

Server Certificates

The Server Certificates interface shows the certificates stored on the server.

Log Files

PARCmessage is a built-in error monitoring software. It creates an ongoing log of errors generated from PARCview on the specific computer where PARCmessage is running.

DataPARC Security Console specific errors will be stored on the server in the dataPARC Security Console install path ...\Capstone\dataPARC Security Console\LogFiles

Errors can also be stored in the PARCview install directory both on the server and clients ...\Capstone\PARCView\LogFiles

Required Server Applications

UA Server: All PARCview version 7 functionality requires a Universal Access (UA) server.

GDS: All PARCview version 7 functionality requires a Global Discovery Server (GDS).

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