Process Tags
  • 05 Feb 2024
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Process Tags

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Article summary

Tags can be assigned to a process unit. Some functions in PARCview require a tag to be assigned to a process to work properly, such as grade-based SQC tag limits.

Process Area Tree

Select a process area to view its tag list.


Add tags to a process area by dragging and dropping the tags onto the table from the Tag Browser.

Name: The name of the tag.

Data Source: The source where the tag is located. The Data Source cannot be edited.

Description: A description of the tag.

UTag: The UTag name. The UTag name cannot be edited.

Active: Makes the tag appear in the Tag Browser. A tag must be active to be viewed in PARCview.

Min: This value will be used as the default minimum in a trend.

Max: This value will be used as the default maximum in a trend.

Units: The default units that will be used for the tag.

Calculate Averages: Configures the tag to have aggregates calculated by the PARCrollup Server. The tag’s process area must also be configured for rollups.

Default Filter: Apply a filter that has been configured in the Script Editor.

Format Mask: Used as default format mask in Trend and Centerline.

Loop: Identifies the DCS loop.

Type: Identifies the type of tag.

Reason Logbook: The Logbook that the tag will log events in by default.

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