Data Norm Calculate
  • 02 Feb 2024
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Data Norm Calculate

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Article summary

Click the Data Norm Calculate icon in the ribbon.

This will add another sheet to the workbook, with a button that will run all Data Normalized sheets in the workbook. The Calc Sheet can be used as a report, since specific statistics can be gathered in an organized manner from all of the normalized sheets. The Normalized Calc Sheet contains cells for entering a Start and End time.  The other Normalized sheets in the workbook can then have their Start and End times referenced to the times on this sheet. It is possible to mix and match Normalized Sheets with daily averaged, MTD numbers, or manual entry data.

Click the Calculate button to gather data for all Normalized, Rollup, and Profile sheets in the workbook, just like clicking the Get button on every sheet. If only needed to do for as sub set of the normalized sheets in a workbook, list those sheets names in the “Sheets” cell in B4, as a semi-colon separated list.

This sheet can be used as a report by referencing cell values on other sheets. In this way, a single sheet can be used to pull and show values from multiple sheets with a single click.

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