Data Grid
  • 31 Jan 2024
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Data Grid

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Article summary

The data grid displays all the current information about the tags this PortIO is collecting data for. It only updates when the Start/Stop Grid Updating button is toggled and will automatically stop updating 5 minutes after the grid is turned on. Its columns are:

OPCTagName: OPCDA specific tag name of the point. Or for a file read, Socket or Serial port PortIO, it is the value for the tag found in the LoopNum/OPCTagname field of the Tag Editor.

DSP: Dsparam1, the index number of this tag for this source in the ctc_config database.

Value: Current value of the tag.

Qual: Current quality of the tag.

Exp. TimeStamp: Timestamp of when this tag was last written to history.

PARCview TagName: Name of the tag in PARCView.

Dead B %: Configured deadband percent of the tag.

Up Int. S: Update interval for the tags in seconds.

Description: PARCView’s tag description.

Data Change Time: Time when the data last changed, or an update was received from the interface.

Last Reject Reason: Last reason a data point was rejected for writing to history, based on deadbanding, MinFreq or MaxFreq, or other exception reporting logic.

Last Exp Reason: Last reason a data point was written to history, based on deadbanding, MinFreq or MaxFreq, or other exception reporting logic.

Last Write Time: Time when the last data point was written to history.

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