Creating and Editing Calc Tags using the dataPARC Excel Add-In
  • 05 Oct 2023
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Creating and Editing Calc Tags using the dataPARC Excel Add-In

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Article summary

The DataPARC Excel Add-In Tag Editor can be used to generate Client Side calcs.

  1. Select the Location
  2. Select the Source “Calc”
  3. Populate Fields
  4. Required Fields
    1. Tag Name: The Tag Name
    2. Description: The Tag Description
    3. OPC Tag Name/Loop Num: The Calc Script
  5. Click Button “Write Tags”

The DataPARC Excel Add-In Tag Editor can be used to edit Client Side calcs.

  1. Select the Location
  2. Select the Source “Calc”
  3. Click Get Tags
  4. Edit the Calc tag Fields as needed
  5. Click Button “Write Tags”

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