Ribbon Bar
  • 05 Feb 2024
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Ribbon Bar

  • PDF

Article summary


Source - Tag Type (Master or Process)

Master: Copy limits from master tags.

Process: Copy limits from process tags.

Source - Grade Type: Select the grade type of the original limits.

Source - Select Grade Version: If checked, enables option to select a previous grade version to copy from.

Target - Tag Type (Master or Process)

Master: Copy limits to master tags.

Process: Copy limits to process tags.

Target - Grade Type: Select the grade type of the new copy limits.

Add New Limit Version: If this is selected, saves the limits as a new version when they are copied.

Update Current Version: If this is selected, adds to or overwrites the existing limits with the limits when they are copied.

Copy Page Settings: Copies the Page Specification settings with the limits.


Always On Top: Forces the window to stay at the front of the screen.

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