Connections to 3rd Party Data Sources
  • 15 Apr 2024
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Connections to 3rd Party Data Sources

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Article summary


Connections to 3rd Party Data Sources 

In addition to dataPARC’s native historian and internal database sources, connections can be made to a wide array of 3rd party data sources so that all integrate seamlessly into PARCview displays, reports, calculations, etc.

Summary of available connections:

Connecting dataPARC to any combination of these sources can bring their data together in PARCview for visualization (trend, graphic, pareto, centerline, etc.). Additionally, tags from all sources can contribute to automated calculations and reports. Data from these sources are not duplicated in the dataPARC historian, thus reducing their disk space and hardware requirements.


dataPARC Data Series

Vendor Notes









Requires AF SDK v2.5 or later

Rockwell FactoryTalk


Historian built on PI platform


IP 21


Microsoft, Oracle, various ODBC


Requires SQL Server 2008 or newer (if MS)




Proficy & Proficy.Net

Known to support Historian v. 5 - 2023

Aveva (WonderWare)


Requires SQL Server 2008 or newer





Excel v2010+


OPC Server data sources utilizing the OPCDA or OPCHDA protocol can be configured as dataPARC data sources.

Use Cases

This connection type is best for data sources that include an OPC Server, but do not have a specific source type pre-configured in dataPARC. Each data request by a dataPARC collector app will trigger an OPC call to the source to fetch data. Aggregates can be calculated within dataPARC or read from the historian.

Common Historian ProgID List:

DeltaV Continuous Historian       DeltaV.OPCHDAsvr

ABB 800XA                                     ABB.RtdbOpcHdaServer

Rockwell FactoryTalk                   OSI.HDA.1

Canary                                             CanaryLabs.OPCHDAServer

GE iFix Proficy                                Proficy.Historian.HDA

MOPS                                              MOPS.MOPSOPCHDAHIST.1

Yokogawa Exaquantum               Yokogawa.ExaopcHDA_PIAEEXQ.1

Potential Limitations

PARCview 5.6+

OPC Compliant Data Server

Source OPC Server must allow connections and its port must be accessible to DataPARC Server apps through any firewall. User account running DataPARC Server apps have read permissions on source OPC Server.

Data access/transfer speed may be limited depending on OPC server’s performance and network traffic.

Aveva PI

dataPARC reads data directly from the PI historian utilizing the PI API or SDK.

Use Cases

Facilities with established PI historians can benefit from adding dataPARC for visualization, calculations, reporting, alarms and more.

Potential Limitations

dataPARC v5.6+

PI historian

PI SDK (for SDK connection)

Standard feature of DataPARC Server. PI server port must be accessible to DataPARC Server apps through any firewall. PI server login credentials required.

Speed will be limited by PI server’s response times and possibly network traffic.

Aveva PI AF

PARCview reads asset data directly from the PI historian if clients also have the PI AF SDK installed, OR utilizes a Remote UA server if the dataPARC server has the PI AF SDK installed (clients are routed through the server). Exposes asset element and template hierarchy and allows selecting entire tag templates for visualization. Event frames are not exposed via this connection.

Use Cases

Facilities with established PI historians with Asset Framework can connect dataPARC using the PI AF SDK. This allows access to the Asset Framework and can also improve long-term data query performance.

Potential Limitations

PARCview version

PI historian v3.2 SR1+

PI AF SDK v2.5+

Standard feature of DataPARC Server. PI server port must be accessible to DataPARC Server apps through any firewall. PI server login credentials required.

Speed will be limited by PI server’s response times and possibly network traffic.

Rockwell FactoryTalk

The Rockwell FactoryTalk historian is based on the Aveva PI historian, so all connection options/settings are similar.

Use Cases

Facilities with Rockwell FactoryTalk historians can benefit from adding dataPARC for visualization, calculations, reporting, alarms and more.

Potential Limitations

PARCview version

See PI dependencies above

Standard feature of DataPARC Server. FactoryTalk server port must be accessible to DataPARC Server apps through any firewall. FactoryTalk server login credentials required.

Speed will be limited by FactoryTalk server’s response times and possibly network traffic.

Aspentech IP.21

dataPARC reads data directly from the IP.21 historian utilizing the Process Explorer API for data reads and the IPSQL ODBC connection type for reading the tag list.

Use Cases

Facilities with established IP.21 historians can benefit from adding dataPARC for visualization, calculations, reporting, alarms and more.

Potential Limitations

dataPARC v5.6+

Aspen Process Data

Aspen Process Explorer

Aspen SQLplus

aspenONE Diagnostics

Aspen ODBC Drivers

Standard feature of DataPARC Server. IP.21 server port must be accessible to DataPARC Server apps through any firewall. SQL tag list required. ODBC Driver must be 32-bit for dataPARC 5.6, must match architecture for dataPARC 7.x. IP.21.NET source type in recent dataPARC versions is faster and allows text tags. User (vs. Public) data sources require correct user account running DataPARC Server services.

Speed will be limited by IP.21 server’s response times and possibly network traffic.


dataPARC reads data from an SQL database using standard SQL calls.

Use Cases

Facilities with pre-existing and/or custom data histories in SQL databases can add these as a dataPARC source for full functionality in visualization, calculations, reporting, alarms and more.

Common Databases

MS SQL Server





SAP Hana


Databricks Lakehouse

MS Access

Plant Applications



Elixir Ecto






PostgreSQL Dev. Group










Elixir School







Uses Oracle

Database wrapper

a.k.a. Honeywell Production Management

Common Queries

Tag Scripts

Tag List – Returns list of tags used by the template

Tag Info. – Returns tag information

Limit – Returns tag limits

Read Data Scripts

Current – Returns current value

Data – Returns raw data for specified time period

Data Prior – Returns value just prior to start time for use as start bound point

Data After – Returns value just after end time for use as end bound point

Projection – Returns projected (future) data

Data Plot – Returns plot-reduced data set for trends

Data Aggregate – Returns aggregated data

Data Providers

.NET Framework data provider

.NET Framework Data Provider for SQL Server

Provides data access for Microsoft SQL Server. Uses the System.Data.SqlClient namespace.

.NET Framework Data Provider for OLE DB

For data sources exposed by using OLE DB. Uses the System.Data.OleDb namespace.

.NET Framework Data Provider for ODBC

For data sources exposed by using ODBC. Uses the System.Data.Odbc namespace.

.NET Framework Data Provider for Oracle

For Oracle data sources. The .NET Framework Data Provider for Oracle supports Oracle client software version 8.1.7 and later, and uses the System.Data.OracleClient namespace.

**Note: dataPARC’s SQL dataseries does not support EntityClient Provider (System.Data.EntityClient) or .NET Framework Data Provider for SQL Server Compact 4.0 (System.Data.SqlServerCe).

Potential Limitations

dataPARC 5.6+

See table above for data provider dependencies.

Standard feature of DataPARC Server. SQL Server must be installed and accessible to DataPARC Server apps through any firewall. SQL username/password required. SQL tag template required.

Speed will be limited by the SQL server’s response times and possibly network traffic.


dataPARC reads data directly from the PHD historian utilizing the Com, ComRemote, NetRemote, NetApi200 or NetApi150 connection type.

Use Cases

Facilities with established PHD historians can benefit from adding dataPARC for visualization, calculations, reporting, alarms and more. Aggregates can be calculated within dataPARC or read from historian.

Potential Limitations

dataPARC v5.6+

PHD historian

PHD API (distributed with Uniformance)

Standard feature of DataPARC Server. PHD server port must be accessible to DataPARC Server apps through any firewall. PHD API .dll files must be installed and accessible to DataPARC Server apps. SQL tag list template required.

Speed will be limited by the PHD server’s response times and possibly network traffic.


PARCview reads data directly from the Proficy historian if clients also have the Proficy client installed, otherwise they are routed through the dataPARC server using the HDA remoting source. Can use API to read from legacy Historian (v5 and v6) or SDK for newer versions of Proficy Historian.

Use Cases

Facilities with established Proficy historians can benefit from adding dataPARC for visualization, calculations, reporting, alarms and more. Aggregates can be calculated within dataPARC or read from the historian.

Potential Limitations

dataPARC v5.6+

Proficy Historian User API v6.x+

Proficy Historian Client Access Assembly

Proficy Client Tools

Standard feature of DataPARC Server. Proficy server port must be accessible to DataPARC Server apps through any firewall. Proficy SDK/client tools must be installed on dataPARC server. Older dataPARC versions need Proficy.Historian.ClientAccess.API.dll copied to root of PARCview folder. Proficy username/password required.

Speed will be limited by the Proficy server’s response times and possibly network traffic.

SDK is preferred.

Aveva Historian (previously WonderWare)

Aveva Historian (WonderWare) data can be read by a special setup of the dataPARC SQL source type.

Use Cases

Facilities with established Aveva historians (WonderWare) can benefit from adding dataPARC for visualization, calculations, reporting, alarms and more.

Potential Limitations

dataPARC v5.6+

MS SQL server 2008+

Standard feature of DataPARC Server. SQL Server must be installed and accessible to DataPARC Server apps through any firewall. SQL username/password required. SQL tag template required.

Speed will be limited by the SQL server’s response times and possibly network traffic.

SAP (custom configuration)

Business and/or accounting data can be read from SAP, typically via SQL queries. Requires some customization for each application.

Use Cases

SAP systems can provide material inventory or usage, cost, production or other data to dataPARC to enable inclusion in visualization, reporting, etc. alongside process and lab data.

Potential Limitations

dataPARC v5.6+

Database server or web server to expose SAP

SAP database must be exposed by customer, then dataPARC engineers will write a client to read/write SAP data.

Speed will be limited by the data server’s response times and possibly network traffic. Client may need updates if changes are made to SAP database.


dataPARC reads timeseries data stored in an MS Excel spreadsheet. Data is read on an ad-hoc basis, updating only when the tag’s dataPARC display is initially loaded or modified.

Use Cases

Facilities with archived historical data, Lab or other manual-entry data stored in Excel spreadsheets can connect to these spreadsheets via the Tag Browser. This method is not intended for large quantities of data or long histories due to Excel file size and load speed limitations.

Potential Limitations

dataPARC v5.6+

Microsoft Excel v2010+

Standard feature of dataPARC client apps Tag Browser. Excel data file must be saved in location accessible to dataPARC client and not be “locked” (i.e. Office sharing controls must release it). Excel sheet headers and data structure must remain as originally specified in tag browser.

Spreadsheet files must be loaded each time a newly opened client display accesses data. File size and location (local vs. network) will impact speed.

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