  • 29 Jan 2024
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Article summary

The chart properties only appear if the control is a chart.

Aggregate: How values should be aggregated on the chart.

Boxed: Draws a box around the plot area.

ChartType: The chart type. Available types are Area, Bar, Pie, Scatter, Line, and Column.

DataColor: The color for the chart bars, lines, symbols, or pie slices.

DataX: A string containing one field with the chart labels.

DataY: A string containing one or more fields with the data to plot on the chart. Fields are separated by a semi-colon.

FormatX: The annotation format for the X -axis.

FormatY: The annotation format for the Y-axis.

GridLines: Adds gridlines to charts. The property does not apply to Pie charts.

ImageType: The type of image generated by the chart.

Palette: A collection of colors to be used for each series (or pie slices).

RadialLabels: This property only applies to Pie charts. It causes the field to add radial labels attached to the pie slices instead of a legend.

RecordSource: A SQL statement to use and retrieve data for the chart.

ShowLegend: Indicates whether the chart should include a legend.

ShowPercentages: This property only applies to Pie charts. It causes the field to add percentage labels to the pie slices.

Use3D: Applies 3D effects to the charts.

XMax: The maximum value for the X-axis.

XMin: The minimum value for the X-axis.

YMax: The maximum value for the Y-axis.

YMin: The minimum value for the Y-axis.

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